What is CBD
I’m sure at this stage you have heard and seen these 3 little letters all over the place and in the news. CBD is a hot topic these days. We see people adding it to their coffee, taking it before they go to bed, and it is even beginning to appear in certain foods. But what does it all mean?
CBD is the short name for the chemical know as cannabidiol which was first discovered in 1940. CBD is just 1 of over 113 Cannabinoids which have been identified and can be found in cannabis plants.
Now before you start to get worried CBD is made from Industrial Hemp plants which is a cannabis plant. However, what makes Hemp and CBD unique is that it is all health and no high.
CBD products won’t get you high as it is missing the chemical that gets you know known as THC which is found in marijuana.
This is one of the reasons why if you go into any health store around the country you will see shelves full of CBD products. Once CBD is extracted from the flowers of industrial Hemp plants it is then processed and added to a wide range of products and can be taken in a number of different ways including vaping it, drops, capsules, teas and even in CBD infused foods such as gummies.
How does it all work!
Now before you start thinking people have lost their mind to the CBD craze or it works like magic that isn’t true and in fact there are a lot of studies that have been done on how CBD works and interacts within the body.
The way that CBD works is very simple, every mammal which includes humans, cats and dogs have a thing called an Endocannabinoid System known as your “ESC” for short. It is for this reason why CBD works on both humans and pets. The endocannabinoid system was first discovered in 1992 and you can read about more my following this link https://www.healthline.com/health/endocannabinoid-system-2
Power of the Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system is a critical system that the body uses to maintain homeostatic essential balance. Studies on the Endocannabinoid system have shown it helps to regulate physiological and cognitive processes such as appetite, pain sensation, mood, memory and sleep.
As you can see our bodies are hardwired to interacts with Cannabinoids such as CBD and we actually produce a small amount of endogenous cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can even be found in small amount in things such as breast milk and black pepper.
When you take CBD, it interacts with your Endocannabinoid system and these receptors. This is one of the reasons why people who take CBD will often tell you they see improvements in areas such as their sleep and mood.
Top tips for buying CBD
If after doing some research, you make the decision to buy CBD it can be a tough task with so many brands out there. Unfortunately, there are some cowboys CBD brands on the market who sell everything but CBD and just want your money.
So, here are our 6 top tips for buying CBD to ensure you get the best quality products.
Tip 1: Buy from a Reputable Brand
If you have never heard of the brand and they look doggy chance are they probably are. Always buy from reputable brands. A good indication of a brand is the people who use it and the ambassadors they work with.
Tip 2: Check trusted review sites such as Google reviews
If you are still unsure about a brand, a good place to start is google reviews. Looking at real customer reviews and feedback will give you a good indication of what the company is like and if their products are as good as they say it is. If the company has 100+ positive reviews, it’s a good sign.
Tip 3: If it’s too good to be true it usually is
The old saying of “If it’s’ too good to be true it usually is” goes a long way when it comes to CBD products. If you find a company offering CBD products at super low prices, chances are they are cutting corners and what they are offering isn’t what it says on the label. The best example of this is CBD sold on Amazon where you can pick up a 5000mg bottle of CBD for less than €30. Although this sounds great what you are buying is likely Hemp seed oil which has ZERO CBD in it as a 5000mg bottle of CBD would cost more than €60 to make never mind sell.
Tips 4: Lab Tested
If a CBD company is above board it will get all of its products third party lab tested. What Third Party Lab Testing means is that all of its products are sent to an independent Laboratory to be tested to ensure their quality and the level of CBD on the label is as advertised. All of our products are third party lab tested to ensure consistent quality.
Tip 5: Buy Organic
If you are buying CBD ensure it is made from 100% organic Hemp. This ensure the product is as clean and natural as possible. Nobody wants to consume a product full of nasty chemical and preservatives. All our products are made from 100% organic hemp from EU approved farms.
Tip 6: The packing is clear to read
Ensure the packing is easy to read with the percentage % and milligram of CBD on it. Reading the packaging of a product shouldn’t be a maths tests and if it is they usually have something to hide.
If you want to learn more about CBD or any of our products you can find it on our website at www.hemphero.ie or www.hemphero.co.uk You can also contact us by email at info@hempheros.ie